**October 2023 Update includes updated info packet and updates to tracks for Day 2 and Day 3 to improve timing.
The Overland Adventure Route you are attempting to purchase and download is intended for personal and non-commercial use only and re-distribution is prohibited. This purchase is non-refundable.
For detailed information on this purchase, click here.
Dates Possible: From June 1st to first snowfall.
Peak Dates: Early summer or Fall foliage.
Start Location: Canada/New Hampshire border – Pittsburg, NH.
Recommended Start Time: 7-8am Friday
Finish Location: Seacoast, Rye NH.
Estimated Finish Time: 4pm Sunday
Trail Difficulty: Trail Ratings of – and possibly an occasional . 95% will be 2 and 3 level. Anything with a 4 can be bypassed. Don’t be scared off by it. This is a STOCK FRIENDLY trip, regardless of the trail ratings listed above.
What’s Included:
You will receive a link via email. This link will enable you to download a “zip” file with the GPX tracks of the route, a GPX file of waypoints like fuel, food, scenic stops, and an Information Packet that has all the information you should need.
Self-Guided TransNH Expedition
You will receive a link via email. This link will enable you to download a “zip” file with the GPX tracks of the route, a GPX file of waypoints like fuel, food, scenic stops, and an Information Packet that has all the information you should need.
The GPX files can be imported into a mapping application such as Gaia Maps.